Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Which breed is smarter, black labrador or pit bull (with lipstick)?

The lab, and labs can be pretty stupid.Cute, though.Which breed is smarter, black labrador or pit bull (with lipstick)?
I have never heard of a black lab mauling or killing a person, but pit bulls are in the news for doing that all the time. Put lipstick on it and you still have an insane animal that wants to rip out people's throats - not an admirable trait and NOT the kind of person I want in a position of power.Which breed is smarter, black labrador or pit bull (with lipstick)?
Pit bulls don't give up and they don't let go. Labs are mild easy to get along with and love everybody. Lipstick on a pit bull would not do anything but make him look silly. Besides, they would lick it off in 2 seconds.
i don't think lipstick would change their intelligence level though. In what way do you mean smarter, there are different ways dogs can be smart, but i would have to say labradors as they can be trained easily.
i would have to say a Labrador but i have yet to meet a dumb dog...just dumb owners.

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