Friday, December 11, 2009

Are McCains policies like putting lipstick on a pig or a pot calling the kettle black?

Is he trying to kill 2 birds with one stone? Does the rolling stone gather no moss? Do too many cooks spoil the broth?

Has the pig in lipstick remark been blown way out of proportion?Are McCains policies like putting lipstick on a pig or a pot calling the kettle black?
McCain got his 3ass handed to him for that - he should have let it go.

Also, the thing about the sex-ed - totally backfired.

I father a 5 year old and my wife and I want him to know about how to avoid getting innappriately touched.

McCains campaign sucks.Are McCains policies like putting lipstick on a pig or a pot calling the kettle black?
While you are busy coming up with old quotes (may I recommend Poor Ol' Richard's Almanac as a source?), this Congress is destroying us.

Tell me how Obama will fix that. You know, when you run out of interest in smearing your opponent (for Dems, I don't know what you are by this question).
Yes, everyone is getting tired of hearing it.

A politicians true policies never come to light until after they are in office and find out things aren't really what they seemed. then they use the excuse, I knew it was bad but never knew it was that bad. Duh

But he has now stated that he agrees that Obama was NOT referring to Palin when he made the remark. So, I guess once he got the media attention for a day, he's ready to move onto the next lie.
McBush is a tired old man. He was in Ohio with ABC this morning, and couldn't carry on a decent conversation. Doesn't anyone else see this ? Forget about making decisions, he doesn't even make a good figurehead for pres.
Both are putting lipstick on a pig. go to

Our current tax system is a pig. They both want to dress that pig up and call it something new.
Is Obama's healthcare policy government healthcare or socialist healthcare? Who's using lipstick?
mccain's policies are like paying more taxes to get tax rebates

it's a bridge to nowhere

i come from nowhere

and you should go there *:)

Simple, its because a slice off a cut loaf is never missed!!!

Geez... always a bridesmaid, never a bride
How many times has nobama put lipstick on a pig oh ya his wife I forgot.
He is WAY out of touch with reality!

Does the bear crap in the woods??
yes. but sadly thats because the mccain camp has no issues to run on so they have to make an issue....
yes it is
all i know is, i'm not voting for him and piglips.

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